About the Song and composer profiles for those who want to know more about the DNA of a song and beat the algorithm.

About the Song and composer profiles for those who want to know more about the DNA of a song and beat the algorithm.

About the Song and composer profiles for those who want to know more about the DNA of a song and beat the algorithm.



UX Designer

UX Designer

UX Researcher

UX Researcher



75 hours

75 hours

Project Type

Project Type

Add a feature

Add a feature

Tools Used

Tools Used

Project Background

Project Background

With 551 million active users, Spotify is the most widely used music streaming service in the world, but it’s missing a trick when it comes to users wanting to learn more about specific songs and their origins.

With 551 million active users, Spotify is the most widely used music streaming service in the world, but it’s missing a trick when it comes to users wanting to learn more about specific songs and their origins.

With 551 million active users, Spotify is the most widely used music streaming service in the world, but it’s missing a trick when it comes to users wanting to learn more about specific songs and their origins.

Instead, users turn to websites like WhoSampled and Discogs when they want to find out which songs were sampled and where. Not only does this make for a disjointed listening experience, but it also prevents casual listeners from discovering music that they might enjoy.

Instead, users turn to websites like WhoSampled and Discogs when they want to find out which songs were sampled and where. Not only does this make for a disjointed listening experience, but it also prevents casual listeners from discovering music that they might enjoy.

Instead, users turn to websites like WhoSampled and Discogs when they want to find out which songs were sampled and where. Not only does this make for a disjointed listening experience, but it also prevents casual listeners from discovering music that they might enjoy.

The problem

The problem

Spotify states that its mission is to “give artists the opportunity to live off their art and billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by it”, but so many artists are falling under the radar because of Spotify’s song radio and playlist algorithms. Spotify will benefit from a feature that puts artists and creators in the limelight by providing users with easy access to the DNA of the songs they listen to.

Spotify states that its mission is to “give artists the opportunity to live off their art and billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by it”, but so many artists are falling under the radar because of Spotify’s song radio and playlist algorithms. Spotify will benefit from a feature that puts artists and creators in the limelight by providing users with easy access to the DNA of the songs they listen to.

How can we fix this problem?

How can we fix this problem?

How might we provide Spotify users with song information that they seek from other sources?

How might we provide Spotify users with song information that they seek from other sources?

How might we help users discover new music without keeping them in a bubble of musical preferences?

How might we help users discover new music without keeping them in a bubble of musical preferences?

How might we provide users with more accurate and detailed listening statistics than Spotify Wrapped?

How might we provide users with more accurate and detailed listening statistics than Spotify Wrapped?

Understanding music lovers

Understanding music lovers

To better understand what kind of information people want to know about songs, I conducted research interviews with 5 Spotify users.

During this research phase, I also tried to understand:

To better understand what kind of information people want to know about songs, I conducted research interviews with 5 Spotify users.

During this research phase, I also tried to understand:

To better understand what kind of information people want to know about songs, I conducted research interviews with 5 Spotify users.

During this research phase, I also tried to understand:

How Spotify users typically use it and what for

How Spotify users typically use it and what for

Whether or not Spotify users like to do further research about a song and the platforms they use to do so

Whether or not Spotify users like to do further research about a song and the platforms they use to do so

What aspects of a song’s history are interesting to Spotify users

What aspects of a song’s history are interesting to Spotify users

How experimental Spotify users are with their music choices.

How experimental Spotify users are with their music choices.

“A lot of people would eat a sausage and be like, wow, that’s a really nice sausage. But I’m like, I want to meet the guy who raised these hogs. I want to know everything about stuff.”

“A lot of people would eat a sausage and be like, wow, that’s a really nice sausage. But I’m like, I want to meet the guy who raised these hogs. I want to know everything about stuff.”

“A lot of people would eat a sausage and be like, wow, that’s a really nice sausage. But I’m like, I want to meet the guy who raised these hogs. I want to know everything about stuff.”

The Person Who Wants to Know Everything

The Person Who Wants to Know Everything

The Person Who Wants to Know Everything


34 years old

Radio host, record collector, part time DJ

Boise, ID


34 years old

Radio host, record collector, part time DJ

Boise, ID


34 years old

Radio host, record collector, part time DJ

Boise, ID







Apps and Products Used

Apps and Products Used

Apps and Products Used



  • Listens to music while working, driving, exercising

  • Listens to music while working, driving, exercising

  • Likes to discover the history of songs and artists

  • Likes to discover the history of songs and artists

  • Does research about music to discover new artists

  • Does research about music to discover new artists

  • Shares music with the people around him

  • Shares music with the people around him



  • Wants to be able to discover new music and song history with ease

  • Wants to be able to discover new music and song history with ease

  • Wants to know more about the DNA of a song

  • Wants to know more about the DNA of a song

  • Wants to be able to connect with other likeminded listeners

  • Wants to be able to connect with other likeminded listeners

  • Wants to not be kept in a musical taste bubble

  • Wants to not be kept in a musical taste bubble



  • Spotify doesn’t make it easy to discover completely new music

  • Spotify doesn’t make it easy to discover completely new music

  • It’s difficult to find out where original samples come from

  • It’s difficult to find out where original samples come from

  • Spotify doesn’t give enough credit to songwriters and producers

  • Spotify doesn’t give enough credit to songwriters and producers

  • Spotify Wrapped stats aren’t accurate

  • Spotify Wrapped stats aren’t accurate

So... what do we need?

So... what do we need?

Sample, cover, and remix information on the song

Sample, cover, and remix information on the song

More prominently displayed production and release info for songs: release year, credits, record label

More prominently displayed production and release info for songs: release year, credits, record label

Links to original samples

Links to original samples

User-specific play counts for individual songs

User-specific play counts for individual songs

Links to other music by songwriters and producers

Links to other music by songwriters and producers

A way for users to discover new music through the record label

A way for users to discover new music through the record label

Working toward a goal

Working toward a goal

Business Goals

Give artists the opportunity to live off their art

Discover new music and artists without being kept in a bubble of musical preferences

Easily find out the DNA of a song, including songwriters, producers and sample history

Connect with other likeminded listeners

User satisfaction

Better UX means more recommendations

Better artist discovery means more artists will want their music on Spotify, and more listeners will have access to different music

Have better access to accurate, personalised listening statistics

Be able to research songs and listen to them in the same space

Give fans the opportunity to enjoy music and be inspired by it

Help artists and creators get discovered and grow their audience

Deliver the best audio experience to listeners

Innovate new ways for creators to express themselves

User Goals

Business Goals

Give artists the opportunity to live off their art

Discover new music and artists without being kept in a bubble of musical preferences

Easily find out the DNA of a song, including songwriters, producers and sample history

Connect with other likeminded listeners

User satisfaction

Better UX means more recommendations

Better artist discovery means more artists will want their music on Spotify, and more listeners will have access to different music

Have better access to accurate, personalised listening statistics

Be able to research songs and listen to them in the same space

Give fans the opportunity to enjoy music and be inspired by it

Help artists and creators get discovered and grow their audience

Deliver the best audio experience to listeners

Innovate new ways for creators to express themselves

User Goals

Business Goals

Give artists the opportunity to live off their art

Discover new music and artists without being kept in a bubble of musical preferences

Easily find out the DNA of a song, including songwriters, producers and sample history

Connect with other likeminded listeners

User satisfaction

Better UX means more recommendations

Better artist discovery means more artists will want their music on Spotify, and more listeners will have access to different music

Have better access to accurate, personalised listening statistics

Be able to research songs and listen to them in the same space

Give fans the opportunity to enjoy music and be inspired by it

Help artists and creators get discovered and grow their audience

Deliver the best audio experience to listeners

Innovate new ways for creators to express themselves

User Goals

How to get from A to B

How to get from A to B



See song credits and find other music by the same producer

See song credits and find other music by the same producer

See song credits and find other music by the same producer

See sample history and listen to other songs using the same sample

See sample history and listen to other songs using the same sample

See sample history and listen to other songs using the same sample

Final Designs

Final Designs

New About the Song card with personal listening statistics, song credits, sample history, countries with the top 5 plays, and song bio.

New About the Song card with personal listening statistics, song credits, sample history, countries with the top 5 plays, and song bio.

New About the Song card with personal listening statistics, song credits, sample history, countries with the top 5 plays, and song bio.

At the start of this project, Spotify’s song credits were hidden in the song’s overflow menu, and after I had planned to include them in About the Song, Spotify moved them to the bottom of the Now Playing screen. Great minds think alike?`

At the start of this project, Spotify’s song credits were hidden in the song’s overflow menu, and after I had planned to include them in About the Song, Spotify moved them to the bottom of the Now Playing screen. Great minds think alike?`

At the start of this project, Spotify’s song credits were hidden in the song’s overflow menu, and after I had planned to include them in About the Song, Spotify moved them to the bottom of the Now Playing screen. Great minds think alike?`

New Composer Profile page

New Composer Profile page

New Composer Profile page

One of the key features I wanted to include here was a different way to discover music. Ryan complains of Spotify’s algorithm keeping him in a bubble of similar music, and as someone who wants to know everything about a song, he would love to be able to easily discover different music by the person who composed the song he loves.`

One of the key features I wanted to include here was a different way to discover music. Ryan complains of Spotify’s algorithm keeping him in a bubble of similar music, and as someone who wants to know everything about a song, he would love to be able to easily discover different music by the person who composed the song he loves.`

One of the key features I wanted to include here was a different way to discover music. Ryan complains of Spotify’s algorithm keeping him in a bubble of similar music, and as someone who wants to know everything about a song, he would love to be able to easily discover different music by the person who composed the song he loves.`

Simply toggle between Artist and Composer to see different music depending on the role the person played in the creation.

Simply toggle between Artist and Composer to see different music depending on the role the person played in the creation.

Simply toggle between Artist and Composer to see different music depending on the role the person played in the creation.

Challenge-Driven Design

Challenge-Driven Design

Breaking it down

Breaking it down

Problem 1

It’s difficult to find out where original samples come from

Solution 1

About the Song card which displays key information about the song’s history

Problem 1

It’s difficult to find out where original samples come from

Solution 1

About the Song card which displays key information about the song’s history

Problem 2

Spotify doesn’t give enough credit to songwriters and producers

Solution 2

Song credits under About the Song

Problem 2

Spotify doesn’t give enough credit to songwriters and producers

Solution 2

Song credits under About the Song

Problem 3

Spotify Wrapped stats aren’t accurate

Solution 3

User-centric listening stats under About the Song

Problem 3

Spotify Wrapped stats aren’t accurate

Solution 3

User-centric listening stats under About the Song

Problem 4

Spotify doesn’t make it easy to discover completely new music

Solution 4

The ability to search for music through record label and composer profiles

Problem 4

Spotify doesn’t make it easy to discover completely new music

Solution 4

The ability to search for music through record label and composer profiles

Usability Test Findings

After conducting a usability test with 11 participants, the results were largely consistent (and they weren’t great...)

Usability Test Findings

After conducting a usability test with 11 participants, the results were largely consistent (and they weren’t great...)

Task 1

Task 1

Task 1

Find out which samples were used in the song that is playing, then play the sample.

Find out which samples were used in the song that is playing, then play the sample.


Direct success

Direct success


Mission unfinished

Mission unfinished

Misclick rate

Misclick rate

Average duration

Average duration

Task 2

Task 2

Demonstrate how you would access the page for the record label that released this song.

Demonstrate how you would access the page for the record label that released this song.


Direct success

Direct success


Mission unfinished

Mission unfinished

Misclick rate

Misclick rate

Average duration

Average duration

Alarm bells!

Alarm bells!

Why were these results so poor?

Why were these results so poor?

It turned out that the majority of users did not know where to find the necessary information. Both of the above tasks required the user to scroll through the About the Song card, but it was unclear that it was scrollable.

It turned out that the majority of users did not know where to find the necessary information. Both of the above tasks required the user to scroll through the About the Song card, but it was unclear that it was scrollable.

It turned out that the majority of users did not know where to find the necessary information. Both of the above tasks required the user to scroll through the About the Song card, but it was unclear that it was scrollable.

As a result, I iterated by reducing the width of the cards so that the streaming stats on the first page didn’t take up the whole screen, making it clear to the user that there’s more information if they scroll horizontally.

As a result, I iterated by reducing the width of the cards so that the streaming stats on the first page didn’t take up the whole screen, making it clear to the user that there’s more information if they scroll horizontally.

As a result, I iterated by reducing the width of the cards so that the streaming stats on the first page didn’t take up the whole screen, making it clear to the user that there’s more information if they scroll horizontally.

Version 1

About the Song Card

About the Song Card

Reduced the width of the cards to make it clearer that they are scrollable

Reduced the width of the cards to make it clearer that they are scrollable

Version 2

Task 3

Task 3

Task 3

Show me how you would navigate to the page for the composer of this song, then toggle between his Main Artist and Composer profiles.

Show me how you would navigate to the page for the composer of this song, then toggle between his Main Artist and Composer profiles.


Direct success

Direct success


Mission unfinished

Mission unfinished

Misclick rate

Misclick rate

Average duration

Average duration

Digging into the problem here

Digging into the problem here

Digging into the problem here

While 3 users were able to complete this task via the expected path and 4 were able to get there indirectly, 3 were unable to complete the task altogether.

While 3 users were able to complete this task via the expected path and 4 were able to get there indirectly, 3 were unable to complete the task altogether.

While 3 users were able to complete this task via the expected path and 4 were able to get there indirectly, 3 were unable to complete the task altogether.

Part of the problem was due to confusing wording in the directions. I used the word ‘toggle’ which didn’t indicate that the users needed to tap on a dropdown menu. I also think the UI of the dropdown could have stood out better against the background photo.

Ultimately, I decided to change the dropdown to a toggle to reduce the amount of clicks necessary to change between the profiles, and I added green to make it more prominent on the page.

Part of the problem was due to confusing wording in the directions. I used the word ‘toggle’ which didn’t indicate that the users needed to tap on a dropdown menu. I also think the UI of the dropdown could have stood out better against the background photo.

Ultimately, I decided to change the dropdown to a toggle to reduce the amount of clicks necessary to change between the profiles, and I added green to make it more prominent on the page.

Part of the problem was due to confusing wording in the directions. I used the word ‘toggle’ which didn’t indicate that the users needed to tap on a dropdown menu. I also think the UI of the dropdown could have stood out better against the background photo.

Ultimately, I decided to change the dropdown to a toggle to reduce the amount of clicks necessary to change between the profiles, and I added green to make it more prominent on the page.

Version 1

About the Song Card

Reduced the width of the cards to make it clearer that they are scrollable

Version 2

Key Learnings

Key Learnings

Key Learnings

Adding this feature to Spotify gave me the skills to work within the constraints of an existing design system.

  • Adding this feature to Spotify gave me the skills to work within the constraints of an existing design system.

Adding this feature to Spotify gave me the skills to work within the constraints of an existing design system.

Usability testing is a MUST MUST MUST. It’s highly unlikely that the designer is going to get it right first time and that’s A-OK.

  • Usability testing is a MUST MUST MUST. It’s highly unlikely that the designer is going to get it right first time and that’s A-OK.

Usability testing is a MUST MUST MUST. It’s highly unlikely that the designer is going to get it right first time and that’s A-OK.

This feature would be excellent and used by many in the real world. Anyone got Spotify’s number??

  • This feature would be excellent and used by many in the real world. Anyone got Spotify’s number??

This feature would be excellent and used by many in the real world. Anyone got Spotify’s number??

What’s Next?

What’s Next?

What’s Next?

Make the personalised statistics more robust. Year-by-year comparison of listening patterns?

Make the personalised statistics more robust. Year-by-year comparison of listening patterns?

Provide more technical statistics, e.g. BPM, chord progression, and song key

Provide more technical statistics, e.g. BPM, chord progression, and song key

Implement artist-verified song meanings in About the Song

Implement artist-verified song meanings in About the Song

Like what you see?

Like what you see?

Let’s chat

Let’s chat



© Chelsea Chapman 2024

© Chelsea Chapman 2024